International Conference on AI-driven Innovations in Healthcare, Telecommunications, Energy and Industrial Sectors (AIHTEI 24)


College NAAC IIC


Peer review is a critical process in academic publishing and scholarly conferences where experts in the relevant field evaluate the quality, validity, and significance of research manuscripts or conference submissions before they are accepted for publication or presentation.

Here's an overview of the peer review process in this conference-AIHTEI2K24

1. Submission of Manuscript: Authors submit their manuscript to the journal or conference, ensuring that their identities are anonymized. Any identifying information, such as author names, affiliations, or acknowledgments, is removed from the manuscript.

2. Assignment of Reviewers: The editor or program committee selects three reviewers who are experts in the field relevant to the manuscript. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise and experience, and their identities are kept confidential from the authors.

3. Review Process: Each of the three reviewers independently evaluates the manuscript based on its content, originality, methodology, clarity, and adherence to scholarly standards. They provide detailed feedback, comments, and recommendations for improvement.

4. Confidentiality: Throughout the review process, the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept anonymous from each other. The editor or program committee manages communications between the authors and reviewers to ensure confidentiality.

5. Decision Making: After receiving feedback from all three reviewers, the editor or program committee makes a decision regarding the manuscript. This decision may involve acceptance, rejection, or revision based on the reviewers' comments and the overall quality of the manuscript.

6. Author Response and Revision: If the manuscript requires revisions, the authors are provided with anonymized feedback from the reviewers and given an opportunity to revise their work accordingly. Authors resubmit the revised manuscript for further evaluation.

7. Final Decision: Once the revisions are completed, the editor or program committee evaluates the revised manuscript and makes a final decision on its acceptance for publication or presentation.

By involving three anonymous reviewers in the double-blind review process, journals and conferences aim to ensure a thorough and unbiased evaluation of the manuscript, leading to higher-quality publications and presentations.